House Takes Steps to Reduce Federal Regulations on Small BusinessesIdaho Congressman Mike Simpson praises legislation
July 26, 2012
Small Businesses
Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson supported legislation today that will help reduce the uncertainty plaguing our economy as a result of the Obama Administration’s excessive regulatory rule writing. H.R. 4078, the Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Job Creation Act passed the House with a final vote of 245-172.
“I have been stunned by the volume of regulations promulgated by the current Administration, and I am well aware of the economic impact these rules have on Idaho businesses,” said Simpson. “Our government needs to take a close look at the economic effects of federal mandates already being imposed, instead of saddling our job-creators and small businesses with even more burdensome and costly regulations.” H.R. 4078 would freeze regulations that cost the economy $100 million or more until the unemployment rate stabilizes at or below six percent. It would also prevent a “lame duck” administration from issuing economically significant new rules. Additional provisions of this bill: