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Press Releases

Simpson Statement on Meeting with Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles

Congressman Simpson and many members of the Congressional Go Big Coalition today met with Senator Alan Simpson, Erskine Bowles, and state and local leaders who are encouraging Congress to fix the debt.

Congressman Mike Simpson and many members of the Go Big Coalition today met with Senator Alan Simpson, Erskine Bowles, and a number of leaders of the Fix the Debt Coalition.

 “We had a very good conversation today about the challenges facing Congress as the fiscal cliff approaches and the national debt continues to grow. Anyone who tells you the debt can be fixed with only spending cuts, entitlement reform, or tax reform is not being truthful about the enormity of a $16 trillion debt, all options must be on the table and Congress must work in a bipartisan fashion to solve this looming challenge. Our country needs honest, thoughtful leaders with the political courage to solve this issue once and for all; and today’s meeting renewed my hope that Congress can find common sense bipartisan solutions to avoid the cliff and begin taking real steps to reduce the debt.”