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Simpson Opposes Unilateral Action By President

Insists that Congress hold hearings, debate, and vote on long- term Middle East strategy

 Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today opposed H.R. 3979, The National Defense Authorization Act because of the authority it extends to the Administration to train and equip the Syrian rebels.

“There are many essential provisions included in H.R. 3979 that I support.  However, I opposed the bill because I cannot in good conscience vote to extend additional authority to the Obama administration’s unilateral decision to train and equip Syrian rebel groups,” said Simpson. “A determination to continue to commit billions of dollars and countless other American resources to a new, and potentially years long conflict in the Middle East is too important for Congress to rubber stamp.  We need to hold hearings, have a debate and vote after we have a complete picture of what our long-term strategy will be in this conflict.  The actions we take now will have long lasting impacts on our national security, budget, and our economy, and I for one do not trust the President with making those decisions alone.”

H.R. 3979 passed with a final vote of 300-119 and now moves to the Senate for consideration.