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Simpson Supports Legislation that Protects Patients with Pre-Existing Conditions

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson joined 42 Members of Congress in cosponsoring H.R. 1121, the Pre-Existing Conditions Protection Act

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson joined 42 Members of Congress in cosponsoring H.R. 1121, the Pre-Existing Conditions Protection Act of 2017. The legislation was introduced on Thursday, by Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Committee Greg Walden (R-OR) and would ensure patients would not have benefits excluded from a plan due to a pre-existing condition and would not pay more based on health status.

“It is clear that Idahoans want patient-centered reforms that put health care decisions into the hands of patients,” said Simpson. “That is why I cosponsored Chairman Walden’s bill to protect patients with pre-existing conditions. Preserving access and providing safeguards is a perfect example of a patient-centered reform that puts consumers in the driver’s seat.”

The House Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing earlier this month that examined coverage for pre-existing conditions and other patient-centered reforms. Simpson has supported similar reforms during the 113th and 114th Congress as part of the American Healthcare Reform Act. 

“I have heard from many Idahoans who also support this common sense idea and I look forward to building on this proposal as a foundation for a stable health care market.”