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Simpson Urges Administration to Halt Spending Spree and Fix Supply Chain

Simpson Urges Administration to Halt Spending Spree and Fix Supply Chain

Washington, D.C. – Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson, along with 159 other Members of Congress, sent a letter this week to President Biden urging the Administration to immediately address the global supply chain crisis before Congress considers additional social spending and taxation legislation.

“Global supply chain issues have led to Americans experiencing both higher prices and extreme delays in their ability to obtain certain goods,” said Congressman Simpson.  “The Administration should spend less time trying to accommodate the radical agenda of the extreme left wing of the Democratic party and more time working with Congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle to solve the issues that affect Americans in their everyday lives.”

The letter notes that the Biden Administration’s policies have worsened the supply chain crisis in recent months.  Cars, televisions, and holiday gifts are becoming more scarce and more expensive, with no signs of relief on the horizon.  The letter requests that the Administration step up and help address this crisis by halting their multi-trillion-dollar tax and spending plan, ending harmful regulatory actions that are driving up energy costs, and reversing new policies that have led to worker shortages. 

“There are steps that can be taken right away to mitigate this unfolding crisis,” said Simpson.  “By pushing another astronomical spending and tax spree, the Administration is only going to drive up prices even further at a time when many Americans are preparing for holiday celebrations.  President Biden must turn his focus toward strengthening our national economy and increasing global competitiveness as we continue to recover from the impacts of the pandemic.”