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Simpson Voted for National Defense Authorization Act

Simpson Voted for National Defense Authorization Act

Bill provides pay raise for troops, holds Administration accountable for withdrawal from Afghanistan, and protects the rights of our servicemembers

Washington, D.C. – Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson voted on Tuesday to support the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 after negotiations with the Senate successfully removed several problematic provisions.

“I am proud to support this legislation that provides a pay raise to our troops, upgrades military family housing, and bolsters national security,” said Simpson. “Congress must act every year to reauthorize the defense programs that keep us safe and protect our way of life, and I am grateful that Members of Congress from both sides of the aisle could come together and pass this bill.”

In fulfilling Congress’ constitutional duty to provide for the common defense, the FY 2022 NDAA rejects proposed cuts to defense programs from the Biden Administration and contains several provisions vital to the warfighter and the Department of Defense. Among other provisions, the bill:

  • Authorizes a 2.7% pay increase for sevicemembers;
  • Provides funding to improve military family housing;
  • Includes funding to counter Russian and Chinese aggression, and;
  • Holds the Biden Administration accountable for its disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

While the House Democrats’ original version of the bill contained several poison pills that would have limited servicemembers’ 2nd Amendment and free speech rights, Republicans successfully stripped these provisions from the final legislation. The problematic provisions that were removed from the bill include:

  • A “red flag” provision that would have allowed military judges to temporarily restrict a servicemember’s access to weapons as part of a protective order;
  • A requirement for women to register for the Selective Service, and;
  • Provisions that would allow servicemembers to be punished for political statements made on personal social media accounts.

“Our troops risk their lives abroad to protect our rights at home, and we owe them nothing less than a defense bill that upholds their rights,” continued Simpson. “This year’s NDAA does just that.”

The FY 2022 NDAA passed in the House of Representatives on December 7, 2021 with an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote of 363-70.