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Simpson Responds to President Biden’s FY23 Budget Proposal

Simpson Responds to President Biden’s FY23 Budget Proposal

Washington, D.C. – Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson released the following statement after President Biden announced his FY23 Budget Proposal:

“The President’s FY23 Budget Proposal does not reflect the reality of life for most Americans.  This budget just shows how out of touch the Biden Administration is and it doubles down on failed policies that have led to rampant inflation, sky high gas prices, and astronomical budget deficits.  In typical Democrat fashion, President Biden proposes to tax our way out of debt.  He shortchanges national defense at a time when we cannot be complacent about national security, and he again fails to take steps to move America toward energy independence.

“The House and Senate Appropriations Committees will now begin the serious work of developing a budget that can meet the needs of the American people in a responsible way—a budget that responds to the crises our country faces and doesn’t contribute to making them worse.  Republicans will be pushing for policies that lower the price at the pump, increase our military readiness, and rein in the out of control spending of President Biden’s first year in office.”
