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Honoring Our Troops and Veterans

WASHINGTON— Today, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson released an op-ed regarding his support for America’s servicemembers and veterans. Congressman Simpson recently voted in favor of the Fiscal Year 2025 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill and the Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2025. These two pieces of legislation support America’s troops and veterans.

Honoring Our Troops and Veterans

By Rep. Mike Simpson

The full op-ed is available below

I always take time around the Fourth of July to honor the sacrifices and service of our nation’s troops and veterans. For over two centuries, brave men and women have answered the call to defend and protect this great nation. Our country’s fight for freedom holds a special meaning to the American people. America wouldn’t exist or be what it is today without those who risked their lives for the greater good.

Since coming to Congress, I have prioritized working for our brave men and women in uniform and those who have served our country. Some of my proudest work has been supporting our military and veterans, providing real solutions to their challenges, and ensuring they have the resources they need.

Idaho is home to over 115,000 veterans and 8,700 servicemembers. I consider it my duty to support our troops and ensure our veterans receive the care they have earned after serving our country. I was proud to vote in favor of two critical pieces of legislation this month reaffirming that commitment.

In early June, the House of Representatives passed the Fiscal Year 2025 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill. This legislation upholds America’s promise to veterans by fully funding veterans’ health care programs, benefits, and all other veterans’ related programs.

Supporting our veterans means honoring the promise our nation has made to them. I am proud that this legislation allows us to meet the needs of our nation’s heroes and ensure they receive the benefits they’ve earned through their service and sacrifice.

Earlier this year, Idahoans received news that the three already-approved Idaho State Veterans Home expansions were put on hold due to waiver requirements. That means the construction and renovation of veterans' homes in Boise, Pocatello, and Lewiston are now facing significant hurdles and cost increases to get to the finish line.  

As a senior appropriator, I was proud to secure language in the Fiscal Year 2025 Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations bill that urges the Secretary of the United States Veterans Administration to engage with affected Idaho State Veterans Home voices to ensure our veterans are not negatively impacted and to deliver the services and care veterans have earned.

Our servicemembers and their families have sacrificed so much for this great nation. Although we can never fully repay them, Congress has prioritized honoring those in uniform and providing them with the resources they need.

For the last 63 years, Congress has passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), one of the most important pieces of legislation that Congress works on every year. This bill authorizes funding levels for defense programs, sets policies for the Department of Defense, and provides our military with the necessary resources to meet its mission.

The House recently passed the Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and NDAA for Fiscal Year 2025. This legislation fully funds America’s national defense, enhances military readiness, takes critical steps to address the security threats America faces from our adversaries, and, importantly, improves servicemember quality of life.

There is no reason why military families should have to rely on food stamps to feed their families, struggle to pay their bills, be unable to access childcare or live in poor housing conditions. This bill will go a long way toward fixing that.

The FY25 NDAA will improve unaccompanied housing, support military spouses, and expand access to childcare and healthcare providers. Additionally, the legislation will give junior enlisted servicemembers a 19.5% pay raise and a 4.5% pay increase for all other service members. The men and women who put their lives on the line every day deserve the best support and care during and after their service, and I was proud to vote in favor of this bill.

Brave men and women throughout our great nation have been willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedom for the last two hundred years. It is an absolute honor to represent some of Idaho's finest in Congress, and I will always do everything I can to support our troops and veterans.

As we prepare to gather with family and friends to celebrate the anniversary of our nation’s independence, I invite everyone to take some time to honor those who have fought and continue to fight for this great country. Without their sacrifice, freedom in America would not exist.