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Fiscal Responsibility

Simpson: President’s Budget Needs to be More Aggressive

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 Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson responds to the release of the president’s budget for FY 2014. “President Obama’s budget proposal, though it does acknowledge the $16.8 trillion nation debt and offers some noteworthy reforms, still falls well short of the kind of long-term serious debt proposal needed to spur growth, restore confidence, and bring common-sense budgeting back to…

Why Congress Needs a Budget

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“The House of Representatives passed the House Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year 2014 this week, offered by Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan. I supported this budget and was pleased that it passed with strong Republican support. “A budget resolution is an important document, but there are misconceptions about what exactly a budget resolution is, and what it does. Rather than…

Simpson Supports Bill to Drastically Reduce Mandatory Spending

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today supported passage of H.R. 5652, the Sequester Replacement Reconciliation Act of 2012.  It passed in the House of Representatives 218 to 199.  The House Budget Committee, of which Simpson is a member, considered and passed this legislation on Monday and sent it to the floor for a vote.  “It is important to remember that the sequester is…

The Ides of March - Budgets, Debt, and Health Care

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“This week the Supreme Court is considering the constitutionality of President Obama’s health care bill, and the decision will have consequences far beyond just the future direction of our health care system. If the individual mandate is struck down, it would be a major blow to the power of the federal government to use the Commerce Clause or the Necessary and Proper Clause to require…

House Budget Committee Passes 2013 Budget

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson, a senior member of the House Budget Committee, today supported the Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Resolution offered by Chairman Paul Ryan, which passed in the Committee 19–18. The Budget Resolution must be passed every year by the House and the Senate to set top-level spending limits that Congress then adheres to when crafting its appropriations bills that…

Simpson Questions Bernanke about Debt and Economy

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Washington, D.C. – Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson, a senior member of the House Budget Committee, questioned Federal Reserve Chairman Dr. Ben Bernanke in a hearing today entitled, “The State of the U.S. Economy.”   “I’ve been a member of this committee with the chairman for eight years now. For eight years we have had economists and other experts tell us we have a structural…