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Tort Reform Will Reduce Heath Care Costs

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“We need real reform of our healthcare system, and Obamacare doesn’t do it. As Congress continues to look for ways to delay, defund, alter, and repeal provisions of this misguided law, we must not stop exploring ways to improve both the quality and cost-effectiveness of our health care system." - Congressman Simpson

The Shut Down Strategy and Obamacare – Idahoans Deserve the Truth

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“You may be hearing more and more from people in Idaho and some in Washington D.C. who would like you to believe that I support Obamacare.  They are attempting to reinvent my longstanding position opposed to the law, and are painting my vote to end the government shutdown as implicit support for a law I have consistently opposed.  They should be held accountable for those…

House Passes Bill to Keep Government Open, Block Obamacare Subsidies for Congress

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson this evening voted in favor of legislation that would extend government funding at post-sequestration levels through December 15th, delay the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate for one-year, and require Members of Congress, congressional staff, and political appointees (including White House staff) to enroll in the Obamacare exchanges without an…

House Passes Bill to Keep Government Open, Delays Obamacare

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 Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today voted in favor of legislation that would extend government funding at post-sequestration levels through December 15th and delay the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, for one year.  “Congress must do everything we can to avoid a government shutdown,” Simpson said.   “This…

Simpson: No Special Deal for Congress on Obamacare

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson is a cosponsor of legislation to prevent Members of Congress from receiving special treatment under Obamacare by receiving a subsidy for their health insurance plan. Congress is required to be moved to the health insurance exchange once the law comes into effect, and recently the Obama Administration ruled that Members of Congress and staff would receive a…

Simpson Supports Legislation to Reduce Fraud in Obamacare

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Congressman Mike Simpson today voted in support of H.R. 2775, the No Subsidies Without Verification Act.  This bill would stop Obamacare subsidies from being awarded until a workable verification system is in operation. “Idahoans know that Obamacare is the wrong direction for our health care system, and even President Obama has been forced to admit the law is unworkable as he…

Simpson Supports Bill to Keep IRS out of Obamacare

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Idaho Congressman Simpson today supported passage of H.R. 2009, the Keep the IRS Off Your Health Care Act of 2013.  Simpson is a cosponsor of this legislation, which prohibits the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) from enforcing any provision of the new health care law. Obamacare represents the largest expansion of IRS authority in history. “Following in the wake of the IRS scandal in…

Congress exempt from Obamacare???

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“I do not support giving myself or other Members of Congress or staff a special break or exemption from Obamacare. I will only support this if the entire law is repealed and every American is exempted from its mandates. My staff and I are required by law to move onto the Obamacare exchanges next year, and I won’t support efforts to reverse that portion of the law,” said Simpson.


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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today supported two bills that would delay implementation of two of the most controversial provisions of Obamacare that are scheduled to come into effect in January 2014.  Both passed in the House of Representatives. The first, H.R. 2667, the Authority for Mandate Delay Act, would codify a previous declaration in a blog post by the Obama Administration…

Brace Yourself for Obamacare

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“This past weekend the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) presented an updated cost estimate of Obamacare, and like many updated estimates before it, this one paints the long term impact of the law in a much less favorable light then was originally promised by its supporters. “While we already know that the long-term cost of the bill will add enormously to the national debt,…