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House Passes Bill to Keep Government Open, Delays Obamacare

 Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today voted in favor of legislation that would extend government funding at post-sequestration levels through December 15th and delay the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, for one year.

 “Congress must do everything we can to avoid a government shutdown,” Simpson said.   “This bill meets our obligation to keep the government functioning, and to be responsive to our constituents, who have made it very clear that they do not want to see Obamacare go into effect on October 1st.  I hope the Senate acts quickly—as the House has done—in order to meet those obligations as well.”

The House approved two amendments to the CR that it received from the Senate today. The first adds a permanent repeal of the onerous 2.3% excise tax on medical devices like pacemakers, CT scan machines, and defibrillators and passed the House by a vote of 248-174. The second amendment adds a one-year delay of Obamacare, this passed the House by a vote of 231-192.  

“The one year delay in Obamacare just makes sense,” said Simpson. “President Obama’s own administration has recommended delaying large portions of it already; acknowledging that full implementation now will be damaging to our economy.”  

The House also passed, and Congressman Simpson supported, H.R. 3210, the Pay Our Military Act, which will ensure that members of the Armed Forces continue to receive their pay until enactment of a Continuing Resolution or regular appropriations bill providing for such payments is passed.