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Simpson Cosponsors Health Care Repeal

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today cosponsored the Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act.  This bill would fully repeal the job-killing health care law and health care-related provisions in the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 that were signed into law last year. The U.S. House of Representatives plans to vote on this bill as early as next week. “The…

House Passes Bipartisan Legislation to Ease Unnecessary Regulations on Small Businesses

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“It is obvious that physicians and dentists are not financial institutions and therefore do not present the same level of risk as financial institutions in cases of identity theft. The definition of creditor under the Red Flags Rule is overly broad and encompasses far too many businesses that should not be included. Many providers are considered creditors because they don’t require full payment at the time of service—instead they bill the insurance company first, and then they bill the patient the remainder of the bill. This system should not be treated the same as a loan with a bank,” said Congressman Simpson. “Health care is expensive enough; we don’t need to create needless regulations that will only increase costs even more.”

Simpson Signs Discharge Petition for H.R. 5141

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“This requirement must be repealed,” said Simpson. “During these difficult economic times, we should not be creating new unnecessary, expensive and burdensome regulations on small businesses that they cannot afford. We should repeal this provision and instead focus on promoting measures that would encourage small businesses to grow and create jobs.”

Simpson Votes to Repeal Health Insurance Mandate

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“Supporters of Obamacare often say, ‘You have to purchase car insurance, what is the difference?’ What they are missing is the freedom of choice. Individuals choose to buy and drive vehicles; it is not a requirement of citizenship. By mandating that all Americans purchase health insurance, the government is taking away your freedom to choose. We must repeal this mandate.”

Simpson Joins Effort to Repeal Health Insurance Mandate

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“There can be little doubt that the mandate to purchase health insurance in Obamacare is unconstitutional and needs to be removed,” said Congressman Mike Simpson. “I simply cannot accept that our Founding Fathers would permit the federal government to compel the purchase of a private product as a condition of citizenship. It is unprecedented, unwarranted, and un-American.”

Simpson Requests Budget Hearing to Address Real Costs of Health Care

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“This massive health care takeover will not save money nor create a better health care system. I cannot stress enough the damage that this bill will do. It will make our health care system weaker, not stronger, and it will damage our economy by adding more and more taxes that continue to stunt our economic growth. The public has the right to know what the true costs are of this legislation.”

Simpson Cosponsors Healthcare Repeal Bill

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“I strongly believe the democrats’ healthcare bill is the wrong direction our nation and may well be unconstitutional,” said Simpson. “I believe the best thing we could do is repeal the bill in its entirety and start over by passing smaller bills that enjoy bipartisan support and focus on bringing down costs for American healthcare consumers.”

Simpson Votes Against Health Care Reconciliation

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“As I have said before, this bill will ultimately damage the health care system in the United States, not to mention adding another $2 to 3 trillion to our national debt,” said Simpson. “It is unfortunate that Congress didn’t act in a bipartisan fashion to pass commonsense reforms that would have actually brought down the cost of health care for our citizens.”

Simpson Votes Against National Health Care Takeover

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“There is no doubt that this legislation will be challenged in court,” said Simpson. “Beyond the question of its legality, this bill will ultimately damage the health care system in the United States while adding another $2 to 3 trillion to our national debt. At this time, I encourage all Idahoans to support Governor Otter in his effort to challenge its constitutionality in court.”