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Fiscal Responsibility

Simpson Casts Responsible Vote on Bipartisan Budget Agreement

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today voted to support H.R. 1314, the Bipartisan Budget Agreement of 2015.  In addition to preventing a catastrophic national default, this agreement achieves long-term savings through entitlement reform, delivers predictability and certainty to the appropriations process and the funding of our national defense, and repeals an onerous mandate put in…

Put it on the Credit Card

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“The national debt just isn’t cool anymore. “It barely got a passing mention in the State of the Union, rarely is discussed in the halls of Congress, and seems to be nearly forgotten by the Idahoans who contact my office. I’ve heard from seven Idahoans this year on debt – compared to the nearly one thousand who have contacted me about immigration in the last few months. “It wasn’t long…

Simpson Touts Vital Idaho Priorities Included in Cromnibus

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today applauded the release of H.R. 83, the Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations bill that included many important provisions for Idaho and Western States.  “This bill represents an important step for Congress toward fulfilling its constitutional responsibility to fund government operations through the regular…

Simpson on President’s FY2015 Budget Request: “Dead on Arrival”

| Posted in Op-eds

Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson issued the following statement today regarding the President's Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Request. “It should come as no surprise to anyone that President Obama’s fiscal year 2015 budget completely ignores hard fought spending caps he agreed to just months ago.  Our nation is on a path for financial ruin, and this budget does not take the problem…

House Passes Bill to Keep Government Open, Block Obamacare Subsidies for Congress

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson this evening voted in favor of legislation that would extend government funding at post-sequestration levels through December 15th, delay the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate for one-year, and require Members of Congress, congressional staff, and political appointees (including White House staff) to enroll in the Obamacare exchanges without an…

House Passes Bill to Keep Government Open, Delays Obamacare

| Posted in Press Releases

 Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today voted in favor of legislation that would extend government funding at post-sequestration levels through December 15th and delay the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, for one year.  “Congress must do everything we can to avoid a government shutdown,” Simpson said.   “This…