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Simpson Introduces the Great American Outdoors Act

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Simpson Introduces the Great American Outdoors Act Legislation has broad bipartisan support, including President Trump and hunting and conservation organizations Washington, D.C. - On Thursday, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson joined a bipartisan coalition of Members of Congress to introduce the Great American Outdoors Act. The legislation is an investment in our public lands. …

Why Idaho Farmers Need Immigration Reform

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Washington, D.C. – “My childhood was spent working on the farms and ranches of Southeastern Idaho. When a challenge arose, we fixed it. Hay needed hauled, pipe needed moved, heifers needed calved, and potatoes needed picked. Many years have passed, and while my days of hauling hay are long behind me, I still believe when you see a problem you must try and solve it. Those who feed this…

Simpson Commending President’s Message to Compromise for the Common Good

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Washington, D.C. – Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson released the following statement following President Trump’s State of the Union address. “President Trump showed us tonight that the things that unite us are much greater than that which divides us. I’m pleased he began his remarks with a mission to work together, as Americans, not Republicans, not Democrats, but citizens of our great…

Simpson Statement on Government Reopening

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Washington, D.C. – Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson released the following statement addressing the announcement of the end of the temporary government shutdown.   “I applaud the decision to end the temporary government shutdown. My message has remained consistent - when we come together and put partisan disputes aside, we can begin to govern in a way that will make the American…

Simpson Delivers Historic Wins for Idaho – Including Renaming the White Clouds Wilderness after former Governor Cecil Andrus

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson today applauded the House passage of H.R. 1625, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, which included monumental benefits for Idaho and Western States.  “This is a comprehensive and responsible package that contains so many important provisions for Idaho and Western States,” said Simpson. “It is the product of this past year’s worth of thoughtful…

Simpson Secures Fire Borrowing Fix and Forestry Reforms in the Omnibus

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson applauded inclusion of a fire borrowing fix and forestry reforms in the Omnibus Appropriations bill. Simpson has long championed a fix to fire borrowing having authored the Wildfire Disaster Funding Act which would treat wildfires like other natural disasters. The Omnibus includes the core principles of this bill by addressing the rising cost of fire…

Simpson Applauds Committee Passage of Bill Renaming White Clouds after Andrus

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson released the following statement after the House Natural Resources Committee passed H.R. 4134 by unanimous consent. The bill would name the White Clouds Wilderness after former Idaho Governor and Secretary of the Interior, Cecil D. Andrus. “I am very grateful to Chairman Bishop and the Committee for passing legislation to honor the late Governor Andrus,”…

Simpson Responds to SOTU

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson issued the following statement after President Trump’s State of the Union. “In today’s divided political climate it may seem difficult to find consensus. However, it is undisputable that the American economy is strong and on the rise. President Trump signed into law the largest tax reform policy in more than three decades and the results have been…


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Members of Idaho’s Congressional Delegation praise the announcement by the U.S. Department of Energy to extend the operations contract of the Battelle Energy Alliance (BEA) at the Idaho National Laboratory as well-deserved reflection of their outstanding work and contributions to U.S. energy security.  “I appreciate the commitment shown by DOE in announcing the contract extension…

Simpson Discusses Fire Borrowing with Forest Service Chief

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson discussed the issue of fire borrowing during a House Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee hearing with Chief of the Forest Service, Tony Tooke this week. Specifically, Simpson emphasized the need to fund wildfires like other natural disasters. “Solving the issue of fire borrowing has been one of my top legislative…