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Simpson Supports Balanced Budget Amendment

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson, a senior member on the House Budget Committee, voted for H.J.Res. 2, proposing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution of the United States.   While it was supported by a majority of members, it failed in the House when Democrats largely opposed the bill, which required two-thirds support for passage because it is a constitutional…

Simpson Supports Time-Out for EPA Regulations

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“Like many Idahoans, I am deeply concerned that the EPA has drastically expanded its regulatory authority,” said Simpson. “By pumping out new regulations every week, the Obama Administration is using the EPA to force on the American people an extreme environmental agenda that is hurting our fragile economy.”

House Passes Cut, Cap and Balance Act

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson, a senior Member on the House Budget Committee, joined his Republican colleagues in passing H.R. 2560, the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011.  It passed 234-190.  H.R. 2560 responds directly to the budget and debt crisis facing our nation by curtailing out-of-control spending and reducing the size of the deficit through three mechanisms: …