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Simpson Cosponsors Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act

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Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson is joining his colleagues in opposing EPA’s efforts to regulate dust by becoming a cosponsor of H.R. 1633, the Farm Dust Regulation Prevention Act of 2011. This legislation would stop the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in its current review from imposing more stringent dust standards for one year.  Simpson, like many of his western colleagues,…

House Passes Bill to Reduce Regulatory Burden

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“Congress never intended for pesticide applications that are already regulated under FIFRA to also require permits under the Clean Water Act. Yet because the court did not interpret congressional intent correctly, we must act now to ensure that farmers, ranchers, and forest managers—as well as mosquito abatement districts and local governments—won’t face unnecessary and duplicative regulations that would make it more difficult to do their jobs,” said Congressman Simpson during debate on the bill last night. “Everyone here supports protecting our water supply from polluters who are acting in violation of our nation’s environmental laws and regulations. But adding another layer of regulation by requiring NPDS permits for application of these pesticides doesn’t make them safer—it only piles unnecessary paperwork on top of day-to-day operations for small businesses, farmers, and local governments.”

Simpson Statement on Provision Protecting State Role over Non-Navigable Waters

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“Most farmers and ranchers I talk to are scared to death about the possibility that the Environmental Protection Agency would be able to regulate their irrigation ditches, drainage ponds, and even groundwater, and I understand why,” said Simpson. “In the West, water is critical to our way of life. Allowing the federal government to claim jurisdiction over state waters would have a devastating impact on rural communities throughout our state and the food supply throughout our nation. For that reason and others, I have moved to insert language in the House Continuing Resolution that will prevent any attempt by the EPA to claim additional jurisdiction over state waters and increase its already excessive authority over Western farmers, families, and businesses.”

Simpson Joins Bipartisan Congressional Dairy Caucus

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“Idaho Dairymen and their counterparts across the nation face unique challenges,” said Simpson. “Producers are facing fluctuating prices, growing input costs, increasingly onerous regulations, and changes in international trade policy that combine to create a very difficult business climate. Congress has enormous influence over many of these issues, and it is important that those of us who represent dairy producers have a forum in which we can come together to learn, listen, and lead."

Simpson Urges Quick Action on Estate Tax

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“Families have been left guessing on the ever-changing rules when attempting to make plans for the future of their businesses. We believe that clear policy direction is needed to ensure that farmers and ranchers around the nation are able to make sound planning decisions for the future.”

Simpson Opposes EPA Efforts to Regulate Dust

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“I am frustrated that folks at the EPA continue to feel as though they need to regulate something simply because they can measure it,” said Simpson. “Rural western communities are already struggling to meet the existing air quality standards, and now the EPA wants to implement a standard that is twice as stringent, even though the science supports the current standard. As usual, the EPA has failed to recognize the real-world impacts of their regulations.”

Simpson Offers Amendments to Rein in EPA Regulations

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“Frankly, I find it absolutely ridiculous that, in its zeal to respond to the crisis in the Gulf, the EPA has decided that milk is an environmental hazard,” said Simpson. “Our dairy industry has faced devastating losses in recent years, and having to comply with these unnecessary regulations would make it that much harder for Idaho dairy producers to weather the terrible economic storm they are in.”

Simpson Protects Grazing on Public Land

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“In the West, we know that if you don’t graze on public lands, you don’t graze at all,” said Simpson. “Creating a federal buyout program is a huge step toward ending grazing on public lands, which would have a devastating impact on local economies throughout the West and would have unintended consequences on the environment. Now is not the time to ignite another War on the West.”

Simpson Joins House Beef Caucus

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“House caucuses are often bipartisan and are a great mechanism for bringing awareness to important issues,” said Simpson. “The U.S. cattle industry faces many challenges, and Congress needs to be better informed of their issues in order to make better decisions. I’m hopeful this caucus will help address these concerns.”