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Simpson Joins Another Effort to Force Vote on Health Care Bill

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“We intend to use every tool the Constitution provides us to stop the ‘Slaughter Solution’ that Speaker Pelosi is trying to achieve,” said Simpson. “The American people have a right to know how their representatives are voting on this health care legislation, they have a right to know what is in the bill, and they have a right to be represented. This scheme is unthinkable and discredits the Institution as we know it.”

Pelosi will stop at nothing to pass her health care bill

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Yesterday, I opposed the health care reconciliation bill that came before the House Budget Committee.  Last night’s late-night markup was the very first step in the health care reconciliation process, which will allow Senate Democrats to pass the bill with only 51 votes, rather than 60. Unfortunately, it was not a forum for any minority views to be included, but rather it was just one…

Pelosi’s Health Care Bill is Disastrous: REAL Reform is Needed - Not Gimmicks

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“Right now, Speaker Pelosi and her Democrats are busy trying to ram health reform legislation through the House of Representatives against the will of the American people. This bill will raise your taxes, create a massive new entitlement program and do little to address the problems in our current health system. The frightening reality for the American taxpayer and anyone who will need…

Simpson Votes Against Health Care Reconciliation in Budget Committee

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“Unfortunately,” Congressman Simpson said, “the Budget Committee today started the health care reconciliation process with a partisan and largely ceremonial markup vote. This procedural maneuver will allow Democrats, now without enough votes to pass the bill in regular order, to pass it with only 50 votes in the Senate, rather than the 60 normally required for controversial pieces of legislation.”

Simpson Reacts to Health Care Summit

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“Unfortunately, my fears about this summit were realized: rather than a substantive discussion about health care reform, the President’s summit was just for show,” said Congressman Mike Simpson. “It seems the Democrats were more interested in selling the American people the bills they have supported in the House and Senate rather than working together to accomplish health care reform that we can all agree on.”

Let’s Start With Some Commonsense Health Care Reforms

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I strongly believe that there are a number of measures that all of us, regardless of party affiliation, support that will bring down costs and improve access to care for all Americans. These are not new ideas—they are, however, ideas that are critical to implementing real, affordable and effective health reform.

Simpson Applauds C-SPAN’s Request for Public Health Care Meetings

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“As elected officials, we are here to represent the best interests of the American public. It is only right that we are ALL informed about negotiations to a bill that will fundamentally change our healthcare system,” said Simpson. “If this bill is really what the American people want, as Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid would like us to believe, then why keep it a secret?”

Mammogram Screening

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I believe that decisions as personal as a person’s health should be between patients and their doctors, NOT between patients and the government.

Simpson Votes Against Pelosi’s Health Care Takeover

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The U.S. House of Representatives today passed H.R. 3962 that, if signed into law, will be the first step to government takeover of healthcare. Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson joined his colleagues in an attempt to defeat the bill, however, it passed with a final vote of 220-215.

REAL Health Care Reform - Options Better Than Pelosi’s Bill

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We all agree that our current health system needs reform. I will be the first to admit that it is irresponsible to just say no to the current health legislation without offering a good alternative. I believe there are a number of measures all of us could support that will bring down health care costs for consumers and the American taxpayer while improving access to health care.